The Debate Coach

Surabaya Community of Debating (SCUD) & Jambi Debating Society (JDS)

Personal Data

Name                             : Teguh Adimarta, S.Pd, M.Pd
NIDN                            : 1004048001
Address                         :  Jl. Sunan Kalijaga, Lorong Family No. 62.
     RT/RW 16/05. Kel. Simpang III Sipin.
     Kec. Kotabaru. Jambi
HP / Email                     : 0856 4808 2021 / 

Formal Education

2012 - 2015                   : Widya Mandala University Surabaya, S2,M.Pd
                                         (Master Pendidikan Bahasa  Inggris),
                                         Master of TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language)
1998 – 2003                  :  Tanjungpura University Pontianak, S1,S.Pd 
                                          (Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris).
1995 – 1998                  :  SMAN 2 Surabaya
1995 – 1992                  :  SMPN 2 Surabaya
1992 – 1986                  :  SD YAPIS Abepura, Jayapura, Papua.

Working Experiences

2018                                    : The Head (Kaprodi) of English Education Department of STAI Ahsanta               Jambi
2018                                     : The Head of LPM of STAI Ahsanta Jambi
2018                                        : Vice Dean II (Wakil Ketua II) of STKIP Al Azhar Diniyyah Jambi.
2015-2017                  : The Head (Kaprodi) of English Education Department of STKIP Al Azhar Jambi
2017-2018                  : The author of 16 tenses smart book & standing banner innovation by using 3 Dimensional (3D) Augmented Reality technology
2018                         : The coach of Jambi NSDC Provincial Team for the preparation of NSDC
2018 2018                : The debate Coach of SMAN 1 Kab Bungo
2017                        : The debate Coach of SMAN 1 Kab Sungai Penuh
2016-2017                 : The coach of Jambi NSDC Provincial Team for the preparation of NSDC 2017
2015                               : STKIP Diniyyah Al Azhar Jambi, as an English Debate Coach
2015                               : Universitas Negeri Jambi, as an English Debate Coach
2015                               : SMAN 3 Jambi, as an English Debate Coach 
                                         (Preparation of NSDC Jambi City selection)
2015                               : SMAK Bina Kasih Jambi, as an English Debate Coach 
                                         (Preparation of NSDC Jambi City selection)
2015                               : SMAK Xaverius Jambi, as an English Debate Coach 
                                         (Preparation of NSDC Jambi City selection)
2015                               : JDS (Jambi Debate Society) as an advisor and one of the founders
2014                               : STIESIA Surabaya, as an English lecturer
2013 - 2015                    : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, as an English lecturer
2014                               : UNIPA, as an English Debate Coach
2014 - 2015                    : SMAN 2 Jombang, as an English Debate Coach
2014 - 2015                    : PERBANAS, as an English Debate Coach
2014 - 2015                    : UWM, as an English Debate Coach
2014 - 2015                    : UWIKA Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
2014                               : FKP UNAIR, as an English Debate Coach
2014                               : FKH UNAIR, as an English Debate Coach
2014                               : SMA & SMP MDC Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
2013                               : SMA Gloria Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
2013                               : SMKN 11 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
2013                               : SMKN 3 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
June 2012 – 2013           : SMKN 2 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
May 2012 – 2013           : SMAN 14 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
April 2012 – 2013          : SMAN 9 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Oct 2011 – 2013            : SMAK Petra 2 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 2005 – 2015             : SMAN 2 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 20122015             : SMAN 1 Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 2012 – 2013             : SMAK St. Agnes Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
April 2013 – 2014          : UNAIR, Fakultas Keperawatan, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 2013 – 2014             : ITS Surabaya, Fakultas Teknik Industri, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 2011 – Dec 2012     : FK UNAIR Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Oct 2011 – 2012            : UNIPA Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Oct 2011 – Dec 2012     : PPNS ITS Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Oct 2011 – 2014            : UK Petra Surabaya, as an English Debate Coach
Jan 2007 – 2015             : SCUD (Surabaya Community of Debating) as an advisor, former Head        (2012-2013) And one of the founders
2013                               : Subtitute English Teacher at SMAN 2 Surabaya
Jan 2010 – Jan 2011       : Surabaya International School, as an international school Teacher.
Jan 2005 – Dec 2009     : SMAN 2 Surabaya, as an administration staff & English laboratory staff,   
Oct 2004 – Feb 2006     : LPIA Kutisari, Surabaya, as an English ekskul teacher in SMP Taruna Jaya                                          Kenjeran
Apr 2005 – Dec 2005    : EPIMES Indragiri, Surabaya, as an English teacher
2003                               : Subtitute English Lecture of FKIP Bahasa Inggris.Universitas                                                          Tanjungpura,Pontianak
1999 – 2002                   : PT. Wahanakarya Jasatirta Pontianak, as an administration staff.

Experiences as a Jury / an Adjudicator in some English Debate Competitions:
A. International Level:
4-8 March 2011             : Accredited adjudicator of International Debate Competition in
    Malaysia Debate Open in Melaka Malaysia

B. National Level:
2014                              : Invited adjudicator of AUI UK Petra Surabaya 2014
2012                              : Deputy chief of adjudicator of AMSA UNAIR Surabaya,
                                        National Medical students debate competition
14-15 April 2012           : Quarterfinalist of IEDC (ITS OPEN), National Open Debate Competition
04-09 February 2012     : Accredited adju of IVED UMM, National University Debate                                                           Competition
22-23 October 2011      : Invited adjudicator of AEC FIA UNIBRAW Open Debate Competition
24-27 September 2011  : Invited adjudicator of PEDC National Debate Competition in Bandung
3-5 June 2011                : Quarterfinalist of SODE (Surabaya Open Debate Event) 2011
26 May-1 June 2011     : Invited adjudicator of National NSDC (National School Debating                                                     Championship)2011 in LPMP Jakarta by Dinas Pendidikan dan                                                     Kebudayaan Nasional
4-5 May 2011                : Invited adjudicator of AUI UK Petra Surabaya 2011
29-30 May 2010            : Invited adjudicator of Smada Open Debate Event in SMAN 2 Surabaya

C. Provincial Level:
2018 : The adjudicator on NSDC Jambi Provincial selection
2018 2017 : Seminar & workshop for debater & adjudicator by Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Jambi 2017 : The adjudicator of NUDC regional selection by DIKTI & Kopertis X
2017 : DCA of SMA 1 Pasaman Barat Padang debate competition
2017 : DCA of Titian Teras Jambi Debate Competition
2017 : Invited adju of NUDC KOPERTIS X in Riau Pekanbaru
2017 2017 : CA of Diniyyah Al Azhar Bungo Debate Competition
2017 : Invited adju of Sumatra Idea Debate Competition in POLSRI Palembang
11-14 Nov 2016 : Invited adju of Sumatra Idea Debate Competition in POLSRI Palembang
21-23 Oct 2016 : Invited adju of E-Fair Andalas Debate Competition
16-18 March 2016 : Invited Adjudicator of Titian Teras English Debate Competition
2018 : CA of HIMAJA UI Jambi Debate Competition
2017 : DCA of SMA 1 Pasaman Barat Padang debate competition
2017 : DCA of Titian Teras Jambi Debate Competition
20-22 February 2017 : CA of Al Azhar Diniyyah Bungo. High School and University Debate Competition
18 September 2016 : CA of Univesity Debate Competition in IAIN Jambi
25-27 February 2016 : CA of Indonesia Big Idea Debate Competition of STKIP Al Azhar Diniyyah Jambi
6-10 November 2015     : 1st rank accredited (breaking) Adjudicator of Sumatra IDEA debate                                               competition in Politeknik Sriwijaya Palembang
Oct 2015                        : Invited Adju of High School debate competition in Universitas Batanghari                                            Jambi
June 2015                       : Chief of adjudicator of East Java selection for National debate                                                        competition in Health Polytechnic in Surabaya 2015
April 2015                      : Invited Key note speaker in the seminar about debate in
                                         Surabaya Muhammadiyah University
April 2015                      : Invited adjudicator of STIKOM East Java Highschool debate competition                                             2015
March 2015                    : Invited adjudicator of UMSIDA East Java Highschool debate competition                                             2015
February 2015                : Chief of adjudicator of PERBANAS East Java Highschool debate                                                        2015                    
January 2015                  : Invited adjudicator of PERBANAS Economic Varsity debate competition                                             2015
2014                               : Chief of adjudicator of UWIKA East Java Highschool debate competition                                           2014
2014                               : Chief of Adjudicator of UWM East Java Highschool debate competition                                               2014
September 2014             : Chief of adjudicator of CEC (Canadian English Course) Highschool                                                    Debate
2014                               : Invited Adjudicator of SMASH 2014 (Smanisda Open), East Java Open                                                 Debate
2014                               : Invited Adjudicator of HI-LITE FISIP UNAIR High school debate
December 2013              : Invited Adjudicator of AAL varsity debate competition
December 2013              : Invited adjudicator UNITOMO disaster Highschool debate competition
November 2013             : Deputy Chief of adjudicator of INAVED Maritim Debate Competition
November 2013             : Invited adjudicator of EJVED Universitas Negeri Malang
November 2013             : Invited adjudicator of English Week UNESA
September 2013             : Chief of adjudicator of CEC (Canadian English Course) Debate                                                          Competition
27-29 May 2013             : Invited adjudicator of NUDC (National University Debating                                                               Championship) Kopertis VII Jatim 2013
11-12 May 2013            : Invited adjudicator of EDSA UNAIR debating competition
April 2013                      : Chief of adjudicator of SMAN 2 Surabaya Debating competition
23 March 2013               : Chief of adjudicator of Universitas Surabaya English Debate Competition
November 2012             : Invited adjudicator of Hi-Lite Fisip Unair Debate Competition
November 2012             : Chief of adjudicator of E-Week UNESA Debate Competition                
September 2012             : Chief of Adjudicator of CEC Debating Competition
04-06 June 2012            : Invited adjudicator of East Java selection LKS SMK debate competition
26-27 May 2012            : Invited adjudicator of  SEDAN STIKOM, East Java High school Debate
02-03 May 2012            : Invited adjudicator of NUEDC (National University Debating                                                              Championship) Kopertis Jatim 2012
21-22 April 2012           : Invited adjudicator of SMASH (Smanisda Open), East Java Open Debate
07-08 April 2012           : Invited adjudicator of HSC UNAIR, East Java High School Debate
02 Maret 2012               : Invited adjudicator of UWM Debate Competition, Surabaya High School                                              Debate
18-20 November 2011  : Invited adjudicator of EJVED in Univ Negeri Malang, East Java University                                         Debate
12-13 November 2011  : Invited adjudicator of E-Week Debate Competition in UNESA
4-6 November 2011      : Invited adjudicator of Canadian English Course Debate Competition
18-19 May 2011             : Invited adjudicator of NUEDC (National University Debating                                                             Championship) JATIM 2011
14-15 May 2011             : Invited adjudicator of Ponorogo Open Debate 2011 in Ponorogo
22-24 April 2011            : Deputy Chief Adjudicator of STIKOM Debate Competition 2011
9-10 April 2011              : Invited adjudicator of SMASH Open Debate 2011 in Sidoarjo
26-27 March 2011         : Invited adjudicator of Debate Competition in FK UNAIR
19-20 March 2011          : Chief of adjudicator of HILITE East Java Debate Competition in FISIP                                               UNAIR
12-13 March 2011          : Invited adjudicator of IEDC Open Debate Competition in ITS
12-14 Nov 2010             : Invited adjudicator of University Debate (EJVED) in Univ Negeri Malang
8-10 Nov 2010              : Invited adjudicator of East Java NSDC (National School Debating                                                      Championship) Selection by Diknas Jatim
6-7 Nov 2010                : Invited adjudicator of East Java Debate Competition in UNESA
1-2 May 2010                : Invited adjudicator of East Java Debate Competition in UWIKA
24-25 April 2010           : Invited adjudicator of East Java Debate Competition in STIKOM 
20-21 March 2010         : Invited adjudicator of East Java Debate Competition in FIB UNAIR
6-7 March 2010             : Invited adjudicator of East Java Debate Competition in FISIP UNAIR
12-13 December 2009   : Invited adjudicator of Surabaya English Debate Open Tournament
14-15 March 2009        : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition FIB UNAIR
7-8 February 2009         : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition in Poltek                                                 ITS
20-21 December 2008  : Invited adjudicator of Semi Formal English Debating Competition in ITS
13-14 December 2008  : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition in FH                                                     UNAIR
02-04 November 2008  : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition in FBS                                                    UNESA
22-23 March 2008        : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition in FISIP                                                 UNAIR
15-16 March 2008         : Invited adjudicator of East Java English Debating Competition in FBS                                                  UNAIR

1)   In training Jambi Debating Society:
6 Nov 2015      : 3rd winner of Novice category in Open Debate Sumatra IDEA in Politeknik                                      Sriwijaya Palembang (1st grade students of SMA Xaverius Jambi)

2)   In training Al Azhar Jambi:
6 Nov 2015     : 4th winner of Novice category in Open Debate Sumatra IDEA in Politeknik                                         Sriwijaya Palembang (3rd grade students of SMP IT Al Azhar Jambi)

3)   In training ITS Surabaya, Fakultas Teknik Industri:
2014                : 1st winner of ITS debate competition
2013                : 2nd winner of AAL Surabaya Debate competition
2013                : 2nd winner of National Debating Competition for Industrial Students in UI
2013                : the octofinalist of EJVED 2013
2013                : the winner and the best speaker of ITS internal debate competition

4) In training FKP UNAIR Surabaya:
2013                : 2nd winner of FKP national debate competition

5) In training FK UNAIR Surabaya:
2013                : quarter finalist of AMSA medical school national debate competition

6) In training Universitas Widya Mandala Surabaya:
2015                    : one of the representatives of East Java to the national NUDC 2015
2014                    : one of the representatives of East Java to the national NUEDC 2014
2013                    : one of the representatives of East Java to the national NUEDC 2013
2013                    : Quarterfinalist of AAL Surabaya Debate Competition
2012                    : Quarterfinalist and top 10 best speaker of EJVED 2012
27-29 May 2013 : One of top 8 teams of NUDC VII Kopertis Jatim that is selected to represent East                                 Java to National NUDC

7) In training Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya in some English Competitions:
2014                              : Quarterfinalist of AUI UK Petra 2014
2012                               : Quarterfinalist and 8th best speaker of EJVED in Univ Negeri Malang
18-20 November 2011   : Octofinalist of EJVED in Univ Negeri Malang

 8) In training SMA Gloria Surabaya in some English Competitions:
2015                                : the 3rd best speaker of World School Debate Championship selection
2014                                : the 3rd best speaker of Indonesia highschool debaters in national                                                      NSDC in Aceh 2014
2014                                : the 3rd winner and 1st & 5th best speakers of East Java NSDC 2014
2013                                : The 2nd winner of INAVED maritime debate competition

9) In training SMAK Petra 2 Surabaya in some English Competitions:
2015                              : 1st winner and the best speaker of UWIKA Debate Competition
2015                              : 2nd winner of Bojonegoro Highschool English Debate Competition
2015                              ; 1st and 2nd winner of Sekolah Ciputra Debate Competition
2015                              : 3rd runner up and 5th,6th,7th best speakers of STIKOM Highschool debate                                           2015
2015                              : octofinalist of UMSIDA Highschool debate competition
2015                              : octofinalist of ITS Java Bali debate competition 2015
2015                              : 2nd & 5th best speaker and 2nd winner of PERBANAS newbie debate                                                   competition
2014                              : quarterfinalist & 2nd winner of UPN Veteran debate 2014
2014                              : 1st & 2nd winner and 1 to 6 best speaker of UWM debate competition 2014
2014                             : quarterfinalist of Surabaya NSDC 2014
2014                               : quarter and octo finalist of HILITE UNAIR 2014
April 2013                      : quarterfinalist of SMAN 2 Surabaya Debate Competition
April 2013                      : 2nd winner of ALSA UI National English Debate Competition
23 March 2013               : 2nd winner of Universitas Surabaya English Debate Competition
February 2013                : 3rd winner of Brawijaya English Tournament National Debate Competition
November 2012            : 2nd winner of Hi-Lite Fisip Unair Debate Competition
November 2012             : 1st winner of E-Week UNESA Debate Competition                
September 2012             : 1st winner of CEC Debating Competition
02 March 2012               : 1st winner of UWM, Surabaya High school debate competition
12-13 November 2011   : Octofinalist & 4th best speaker of E-Week UNESA Debate                                                                     Competition                

10) In training SMKN 2 Surabaya in some English Competitions:
04-06 June 2012             : Quarterfinalist of East Java selection LKS SMK debate competition

11) In training SMAN 1 Surabaya in some English Competitions:
2015                               : 4th position of UWIKA East Java debate competition
2014                               : 4th position of UWM Debate competition 2014
2013                               : Semifinalist of Jakarta Post Debate Competition 2013

12) In training SMAN 2 Surabaya in some English Competitions:
2014                               : 1st winner of East Java speech competition
2013                               : 3rd position of Jakarta Post Debate Competition
April 2013                      : 3rd position of SMAN 2 Surabaya Debate Competition
30 July-06 June 2012     :  Octofinalist & 12th Indonesia the best speaker in National NSDC
14 May 2012                  :  1st place as East Java representative for National Debate                                                                 Championship (NSDC)
21-22 April 2012            4th place of SMASH (SMANISDA OPEN), East Java Open Debate
07-08 April 2012            3rd place of HSC UNAIR, East Java High school Debate Competition
02 March 2012               3rd place of UWM, Surabaya High school debate competition
25-26 February 2012      4th place & 2nd the best speaker of BET UNIBRAW,
     National High School Debate Competition
18-19 February 2012      : 3th and 4th place and the best speaker of UMM OPEN HIGH SCHOOL,
     East Java High School
12-13 November 2011   : 2nd place, quarter finalist, octofinalist & 1st, 3rd, 10th best speaker of E-                                                 Week UNESA Debate Competition
24-27 September 2011   : 8th best speaker, Quarterfinalist, & Octofinalist of PEDC National                                                         Debate Competition in Bandung
5-6 August 2011            : 1st place, Quarterfinalist, & Octofinalist of UPH Surabaya Debate                                                          Competition
3-5 June 2011                 : The Best Speaker & Octo finalist of SODE (Surabaya Open Debate Event)                                           2011
14-15 May 2011             : 2nd place of HSC FIB UNAIR 2011
22-24 April 2011            : 2nd place of SEDAN STIKOM 2011
9-10 April 2011              : Octo & Quarter finalist of SMASH Open Debate 2011 in SMAN 1                                                          Sidoarjo
19-20 March 2011         : Octo & Quarter finalist of HILITE East Java Debate Competition in FISIP                                            UNAIR
28 February 2011          : 3rd Place & Quarter finalist of BET, East Java-Bali Debate in  UNIBRAW                                            Malang
8-10 November 2010    : 5th Best Speaker of East Java NSDC 2010
6-7 Nov 2010                : Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in UNESA
29-30 May 2010            : 1st Place & octo finalist  of Smada Open Debate Event in SMAN 2                                                        Surabaya
8 May 2010                   : 1st place of East Java Simulasi Sidang ASEAN by Departemen Luar Negeri
1-2 May 2010                : 1st place of UWIKA Debate Competition in UWIKA
24-25 April 2010           : 3rd place of SEDAN Debate Competition in STIKOM 
20-21 March 2010         :  2nd place of East Java News Reading Competition in FIB Unair
20-21 March 2010         :  Octo finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FIB Unair
6-7 March 2010             :  Quarter finalist of East Java Debate Competition in FISIP Unair
13-14 February 2010    :  Octo finalist of East Java-Bali Debate Competition in Unibraw Malang
6-7 February 2010         :  2nd place of Alsa Court like Debate Championship in FH Unair
12-13 December 2009   :  5th place of Surabaya English Debate Open Tournament in SMAN 9                                                     Surabaya
24-25 November 2009  :  1st place of  East Java-Indonesia School Debating Championship in Diknas                                           Jatim
21-22 August 2009       :  2nd place of UPH English Debating Competition in Universitas Pelita                                                    Harapan
11-13 June 2009            :  1st place of Hybrid Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi Jatim
17 May 2009                 :  1st place of EF English Olympic Competition that held by East Java                                                       English First
12-19 March 2009         :  14th place of NSDC National Indonesia School English Debating                                                       Competition in Jakarta (National selection for International World                                                School Debate Championship in Qatar)
14-15 March 2009        :  4th place, Octo Finalist and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating
     Competition in SASING UNAIR
7-8 February 2009         :  4th place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in                                               Poltek ITS
13-14 December 2008  :  1st place and Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in                                              FH UNAIR
22 November 2008       :  1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in speaking                                                     category.
15 November 2008       :  3rd and 5th place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
03-05 November 2008  :  10 Finalist of East Java English Speech Competition in FBS UNESA
01-02 November 2008  :  Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in FBS UNESA
30-31 October 2008      :  1st place of East Java English Debating Competition in Diknas Propinsi                                          Jatim (Provincial ISDC selection for National ISDC selection in                                                        Jakarta)
19 December 2007        :  1st place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
24 November 2007       :  3rd and 5th place and The Best Speaker of East Java English Debating                                                     Competition in FH UNAIR.
10 November 2007       :  Octo Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in FBS UNESA.
1 September 2007         :  1st place of KELT English competition in Sheraton Hotel, in listening                                                    category.
22 July 2007                  :  Quarter Finalist of East Java English Debating Competition in TV                                                         Education   
23 December 2006        :  10 Finalist of 95 contestants in East Java English Speech Competition in                                                Dispora .
08 December 2006        :  3rd place of East Java Management English Fun Fair in FE UNAIR
                                      :  5th and 6th place of 46 teams of East Java Management English Fun Fair in                                          FE UNAIR
19 November 2006       :  10th place of 30 teams of East Java English Debating Competition in FH                                               UNAIR
04 February 2006         :  3rd place of English Bulletin Competition held by UK Petra in TP
18 January 2006            :  Quarter Finalist of English Debating Competition in Indonesia Europe                                                   University

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